PMS Cacao Smoothie

It's that time of the month ladies! šŸŒø
Without the proper nutrients and vitamins in your body, the next week can be absolute hell! I used to and still sometimes do have the worst cramps ever, always on the first and third days (weird I know) to the point I couldn't walk or move. It's even gotten so bad I've had to stay home from work. These few tips have helped me not only regulate my period but also make my PMS a lot more manageable.
1. Magnesium - I always up my intake of magnesium a week or two before my period to support stress and cramping
2. Seed cycling - ok I don't do this 100% but I do make sure to have flax seeds leading up to and during my period. Flax alone has the potential to reduce stress hormones, and have positive effects both on the follicular phase (including ovulation) and the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle
3. CBD/THC blend (sorry mom) - CBD and other cannabinoids have proven FOR ME to treat painful menstrual cramps by reducing production of inflammatory prostaglandin receptors in the uterus
4. Ginger & Turmeric supplements- helps balance hormones & fights the PMS bloat
5. Castor Oil Packs - helps with PMS bloat and cramping
6. Day of Cacao Smoothie - the past few cycles I have been drinking this smoothie the day of and it just automatically makes me feel better. It doesn't follow #fab4smoothie protocol, but this replenishing smoothie will bring you back to life when menstrual cramps and fatigue hit. It's packed with magnesium, iron and tryptophan - exactly what your body needs during your period. And it tastes like a chocolate milkshake šŸ˜‹


Day of Cacao Smoothie

* 1 tbs cashew butter
* 2 dates
* 1 tablespoon raw cacao
* 1 banana
* 1/4 cup @onedegreeorganics sprouted rolled oats
* 2 tbs flax seeds
* 1 cup of @malkorganics oat milk
* 1 scoop chocolate peanut butter Gainful Protein
* 2 scoops @vitalproteins collagen
* 1 scoop Organifi Chocolate Gold


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