Flow With Me

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Current Schedule

WeFlowHard 60-Minute Vinyasa - Tuesdays @ 5:30p & 7:00p

  • Y7 Studio - River North

Additional Services

In person Private or group sessions

Private sessions are for those individuals + groups who don’t want to be in a class setting but want to take a class or have a deeper understanding of the practice. Perfect for beginners, bachelorette parties, and/or someone who wants a customized flow for their body and their practice

Sessions: 1hr

Sessions include: customized flow | 30 minute consultation | one on one time

*due to COVID, in person sessions are limited and will not include hands on adjusts or assists

Virtual Private or group Sessions

Virtual sessions are perfect for those always on the go and/or those who work from home. Make time for some self care without rearranging your schedule

Sessions: 1hr | 30 min

Sessions include: customized flow | 30 minute consultation | one on one time