2021: The Year of “RE”



Dear January Self,.png

January 2021

Monthly Self Love Letter

Real & Raw: our souls enter our physical realm all knowing. We eventually lose sight of ourselves, of our truth. It takes years, lifetimes to unbecome all that this earth has made us out to be. Filled with ego, drunk on fear. Building walls and shields to keep ourselves safe, but eventually keeping ourselves so enclosed that the outerior shell is all we know. It's all we are. Trapped souls beating, beating asking to be set free. Slowly but surely making internal damage to those shield that manifest physically, mentally, emotionally. Cracks and holes start to form, creating a peep hole for our souls to check-in, to remind you that you are more than your 9-5, the zeros in your bank account, the size of your pants or your home. All the things we're told we need to feel alive all of a sudden feel and seem fruitless.


We cry. We question it. Perhaps we ignore it. But it gets louder and louder until you have no choice but to listen. To REspond. To REveal. You have no choice but to REflect. To REmember we're exposed, vulnerable, raw in humility with no choice but to lean in and learn. And when we're ready...

to REturn home.


My PCOS Story + 2 month update


Dear Self