Body Neutrality

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The idea behind body neutrality is to help us steer away from self-hate without the pressure of having to love our body. Instead, it’s about working towards a place where we respect our bodies, but don’t give too much energy to positive or negative thoughts about it.

It's misleading to force self love upon yourself because not only is it unrealistic it lacks intention. Body positivity and confidence comes when you truly start to believe it, which isn't always attainable when you spent your life body shaming, self loathing, and developing a toxic relationship with food. Neutrality is acceptance. It's a white flag. It's a promise to yourself that you are working on it. It's consistent. It's fluid as you develop a healthy relationship with yourself.

It's not sexy... our brains like extremes. Love/hate. Yes/no. Fat/skinny. But it simplifies things. It allows us to take a step back to see our bodies for what they are - our home. Typically when we have a strong negative reaction towards something it's because we don't believe in them, we don't understand their point-of-view. How do you force love or hate upon something you don't understand?

You communicate, spend time, listen, you build a relationship with yourself. And not to say it's easy, because it's not. But some of the hardest relationships are the ones worth fighting for.


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